

Today, I went to my boss's house. He was throwing a farewell party since he's moving out to Kurdistan, Iraq next Thursday. No wonder he doesn't mind with his new assignment, the company pay him double to take care of the new set up business there. 

The party was very intimate and emotional, just between my department. Everyone cried during the individual speech. Especially me. Which was pretty embarrassing. I really didn't see it coming though. The tears. I was ready to deliver my short speech, about how grateful I am to have him as my boss yada yada yada. But then after 10 seconds of talking, it hit me. I suddenly realized how sad it is. He will leave for good. He won't be there anymore. His room will be empty in the next few days :'(

On the positive note!

Went to bird cage not so long ago. My my.. I just love this place. Find out why yourself in the tons pictures below!

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